![VoW Logo world](https://www.vow-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/VoW-Logo-world-150x150.png)
The World Café method is designed to create a safe, welcoming environment in which to intentionally connect multiple ideas and perspectives on a topic by engaging participants in several rounds of small-group conversation.
- Managers and volunteer trainers, organisations working with volunteers
- Volunteers and operators in the organisations
90 – 120 minutes
Promotion of Ideas
Team Building
The World Café is a simple, effective, and flexible format for hosting large group dialogue. Each element of the method has a specific purpose and corresponds to one or more of the design principles. The World Café can be modified to meet a wide variety of needs. Specifics of context, numbers, purpose, location, and other circumstances are factored into each event’s unique invitation, design, and question choice.
You need:
- 4 chairs for each table (ideally) – and no more than 5
- colorful pens on the tables and a plentiful supply of blank paper
How it works:
Decorate the space to really feel like a bar, with small tables for 4 or 5 people. Less than 4 participants per table are insufficient due to the lack of diversity of perspectives; more than 5 limits the interaction time each can use.
Distribute tables around the space in a haphazard, seemingly messy manner, rather than in perfect lines. The tables of a bar that has been open for a few hours appear more welcoming and relaxing.
Use colorful tablecloths on the tables, and maybe some flowers, or even a candle. Plants and greenery enrich and make the space pleasant.
Place at least three white sheets of paper to write on each table, with colored markers. Paper and markers encourage participants to write and draw to tell or connect their ideas.
Consider the possibility of adding paintings or posters to the walls, even very simple ones, and ensure that adequate music makes the environment pleasant.
As a good tradition of hospitality, make snacks and drinks available.
Points to consider:
- Clarify the purpose
- Create a welcoming space
- Deal with important issues
- Encourage everyone's contribution
- Connect different perspectives
- Listen to insights and share discoveries